
A place to store and share the code I wrote to analyze the data generated by a recent Amazon Mechanical Turk survey experiment. The analysis from this experiment was recently accepted for publication as "Income Disclosure and Consumer Judgment in a Multi-level Marketing Experiment" in Journal of Consumer Affairs.

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MLM Disclosure Experiment- Data Summary Tables

Austin Miller 7/31/2022

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This document presents the R script that I wrote to create tables of summary statistics for the data generated by a recent Amazon Mechanical Turk survey experiment. The goal of the analysis was to assess the impact of voluntary income disclosures in MLM marketing materials on consumer interest and earnings expectations. All participants were introduced to an MLM opportunity using marketing materials from the website of an actual MLM firm. The control group did not receive any income disclosure information; treatment group 1 received the income disclosure document created by the MLM firm itself; and treatment group 2 received an augmented form of the firm’s income disclosure information that included a graph and presented how many participants in the firm actually earned zero dollars. The analysis from this experiment was recently accepted for publication “Income Disclosure and Consumer Judgment in a Multi-level Marketing Experiment” in Journal of Consumer Affairs.

Load Packages


I don’t know if this script actually uses each of these packages; many of them are just included in most of my R scripts by default. Some less common packages may include:

Read Data

mlm <- readRDS("data/mlm_2022_clean.rds")

This line reads in the data created by the MLMExperiment_data.Rmd document.

Summary Statistics for All Variables

dependents <- c("interest","earnings","earnleast","earnmost","over6","expenses")
key_ind <- c("numeracy","finance","EVtest","educ_hs","educ_sc","educ_cg","educ_pg","earnbta")
other <- c("age","man","woman","black","white","hispanic","other","inc_0","inc_25","inc_50",

sumtable <- 
  mlm %>% 
  select(all_of(dependents), all_of(key_ind), all_of(other)) %>% 
      .fns = list(Observations = ~sum(!, 
                 Mean = ~mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE),
                 Median = ~median(.x, na.rm = TRUE),
                 Sd = ~sd(.x, na.rm = TRUE),
                 Min = ~min(.x, na.rm = TRUE), 
                 Max = ~max(.x, na.rm = TRUE)
      .names = "{.col}-{.fn}"
    ) %>% 
  pivot_longer(everything(), names_to=c("variable","stat"), values_to="val", names_sep="-") %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = stat, values_from = val) %>%
  mutate(Sd = if_else(Max == 1 & Min == 0 & variable != "over6", NA_real_, Sd))

write.csv(sumtable, "descriptive/sumstats.csv")

The first thing I do is create some groups of variables so I can work with a group at a time rather than listing all variables every time. The full mlm data frame actually contains 190 variables, but most of those are the raw variables from Qualtrics and are not used. I keep them around in the principle of non-destructive editing, I suppose. If I decide that I want to create a new variable or re-transform something, etc. (which I do a lot over the course of a project), then I don’t have to go back and look for stuff in the original raw data or change the line of code that keeps only “important” variables.

The lower part is a single pipe %>% chain that creates and formats a summary table of all the variables that will be important to the analysis. The steps are:

The final output is a table with one row for each variable and one column for each summary operation. It would require little formatting to prepare this table for inclusion in a report or presentation (though it is much too big too present at one time in a live presentation). In the following sections, I display portions of this table separately.

Dependent Variables

sumtable %>% filter(variable %in% dependents)
## # A tibble: 6 x 7
##   variable  Observations      Mean  Median         Sd   Min      Max
##   <chr>            <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>      <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 interest           545     1.89     1         1.52      1        7
## 2 earnings           545  6352.    1000     16971.        0   200000
## 3 earnleast          545  2146.      25     10060.        0   165000
## 4 earnmost           545 89673.    7000    481325.        0 10000000
## 5 over6              545     0.208    0.05      0.261     0        1
## 6 expenses           381  3128.    1800      5907.        0    78000

Generally, interest in the presented opportunity is low with an average response of 1.89 out of 7 (mean(!mlm$interestover1) would reveal that 63 percent of all respondents report interest of "1- No Interest At All"). The distribution of estimated earnings is wide, ranging from $0 to an estimated maximum earnings of $10 million. The mean of respondents’ estimated annual earnings is $6,352. For reference, the expected value of actual earnings described in the income disclosure statements is $1,600 in a year, with a median of $0. The many, much higher earnings estimations in the sample may indicate a lack of data, a misunderstanding of the data, or overconfidence in the face of data. The mean of respondents’ expected chance of earning more than $6,000 in a year is about 21 percent, which also likely represents an average overestimation of expected earnings (although most respondents report this probability to be 5 percent or less as evidenced by the median of 0.05).

Finally, we note that expenses only has 381 observations. Respondents were allowed to skip the question about expenses because no information was given about expenses. The mean expense estimation is $3,128, which is about half of the average expected earnings in this survey and more than the gross earnings of most actual participants represented in the income disclosure information.

Key Independent Variables

These variables are included in the analysis as potentially modifying the effect of income disclosures in the MLM context.

Knowledge-based questions and level of education are used as a measure of a person’s ability to interpret the information in an income disclosure. numeracy, finance, and EVtest are scores generated by adding up the number of correct answers from a series of test questions.

A consumer’s self-perception is measured by earnbta, where 4 is interpreted as "4- I Think I Would Earn As Much As Average Participant". Some people who perceive themselves as better-than-average may be more likely to perceive low probability, high earnings outcomes presented in an income disclosure as achievable.

sumtable[c(-2)] %>% filter(variable %in% key_ind)
## # A tibble: 8 x 6
##   variable  Mean Median     Sd   Min   Max
##   <chr>    <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 numeracy 2.27       3  0.878     0     3
## 2 finance  2.61       3  0.722     0     3
## 3 EVtest   0.393      0 NA         0     1
## 4 educ_hs  0.123      0 NA         0     1
## 5 educ_sc  0.246      0 NA         0     1
## 6 educ_cg  0.530      1 NA         0     1
## 7 educ_pg  0.101      0 NA         0     1
## 8 earnbta  3.05       3  1.36      1     7

The average number of correct numeracy questions in the sample is 2.27 out of 3, and the average number of correct finance answers is 2.61 out of 3. Most people are able to answer all three of the numeracy and finance test questions correctly (as evidenced by a median of 3 for both variables). However, only 39 percent of respondents are able to answer the one expected value question (represented by EVtest) correctly.

In the educ education categories, hs represents high-school graduation, sc is some college without a degree, cg reflects a college degree or the completion of vocational training, and pg is some level of post-graduate education. As this sample is from workers on Amazon Mechanical Turk, it is not wholly representative of the U.S. adult population. One example of this is that our sample seems to be more highly educated. Compared to the United States Census Bureau (2021), our sample is more likely to have obtained a college degree or vocational training (53 percent of our sample versus near 30 percent in the U.S.).

The mean of earnbta is 3.05 on a seven-point scale, with a median of

  1. Most people in this experiment report a self-perception score of less than 4 indicating that they believe that they would earn less than the average participant. This is consistent with tasks generally presumed to be more difficult or complex.

Other Variables

These variables are included to measure whether they correlate with interest in the MLM opportunity and/or estimated earnings.

sumtable[c(-2)] %>% filter(variable %in% other[c(1:7)])
## # A tibble: 7 x 6
##   variable    Mean Median    Sd   Min   Max
##   <chr>      <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 age      41.8        40  10.9    22    76
## 2 man       0.503       1  NA       0     1
## 3 woman     0.494       0  NA       0     1
## 4 black     0.0679      0  NA       0     1
## 5 white     0.844       1  NA       0     1
## 6 hispanic  0.0385      0  NA       0     1
## 7 other     0.116       0  NA       0     1

By design, our sample is composed of working-age individuals and the median age in our sample is 40. The sample is about evenly split between men and women, and sum(man==0 & woman==0) reveals that 2 respondents identify as an other gender. Nearly 7 percent of subjects identify as Black/African American (vs. 13.4 percent in the U.S.), 3.9 percent as Hispanic/Latino (vs. 18.5 percent in the U.S.), and 11.6 percent as American Indian, Alaskan Native, Hawaiian, or Some Other Race (vs. 7.5 percent in the U.S).

sumtable[c(-2)] %>% filter(variable %in% other[c(8:16)])
## # A tibble: 9 x 6
##   variable   Mean Median    Sd   Min   Max
##   <chr>     <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 inc_0     0.171      0 NA        0     1
## 2 inc_25    0.336      0 NA        0     1
## 3 inc_50    0.367      0 NA        0     1
## 4 inc_100   0.127      0 NA        0     1
## 5 rel_nr    0.565      1 NA        0     1
## 6 rel_lr    0.136      0 NA        0     1
## 7 rel_sr    0.180      0 NA        0     1
## 8 rel_vr    0.119      0 NA        0     1
## 9 risk     28.2       28  7.79    13    52

Household income categories include inc_0 less than $25,000, inc_25 between $25,000 and $50,000, inc_50 between $50,000 and $100,000, and inc_100 greater than $100,000. The median income in our sample is less than $50,000 (17 percent and 33 percent in the smallest two categories), which is less than the over $60,000 median income in the U.S..

Religiosity categories are rel_nr “Not at all religious”, rel_lr “Not too religious”, rel_sr “Somewhat religious, and rel_vr “Very religious”. Fifty-six point five percent of our sample categorized themselves as “Not at all religious”. This is likely a less religious group than the U.S. as a whole; only 20 percent of respondents from the 2017 Baylor Religion Survey categorized themselves as “Not religious” (see Baylor University, 2017).

Risk, here measured as the sum of eight seven-point-scale responses, is bounded between 8 and 56. A score of 32 would indicate that a person responded “Not Sure” to every risk-measuring question. The minimum risk value in our sample is 13; the maximum is 52. This distribution is fairly symmetric around 28.

sumtable[c(-2)] %>% filter(variable %in% other[c(17:19)])
## # A tibble: 3 x 6
##   variable      Mean Median    Sd   Min   Max
##   <chr>        <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 knownMLM     0.468      0    NA     0     1
## 2 wasMLM       0.105      0    NA     0     1
## 3 MLMrecruited 0.543      1    NA     0     1

Nearly 47 percent of the sample knows someone personally who has participated in MLM, and over 54 percent have received recruitment attempts to join an MLM organization. Only 10 percent have participated in MLM at some point in their lives, but this participation rate is slightly higher than the rate estimated in a national survey of U.S. adults (see DeLiema et al., 2021), which found that 7.7 percent had participated in MLM at some point in the past.


This section generates a table of correlations between independent variables and both interest and earnings.

rcorrlist <- mlm %>%
              select(all_of(dependents), all_of(key_ind), all_of(other)) %>% 
              as.matrix() %>% 

correlations <- as_tibble(rcorrlist$r) %>% 
  mutate(variable = row.names(rcorrlist$r)) %>% 
  pivot_longer(c(-"variable")) %>%
  filter(as.vector(rcorrlist$P<.1)) %>%
  pivot_wider() %>%
  filter(!variable %in% dependents) %>% 
  filter(!( & %>%
  select(variable, interest, earnings)

write.csv(correlations, "descriptive/correlations.csv")

The code here is a bit tricky, but worth it, I think. Using the rcorr() function from the package Hmisc, I generate a matrix of correlation coefficients rcorrlist$r for every pair of variables, simultaneously with a matrix of p-values rcorrlist$P from t-tests for whether each coefficient is equal to zero. The rcorr() function takes a matrix array as input so I have to convert back and forth from matrix to data frame (or tibble) a bit.

The second part of the code removes all the correlation coefficients that don’t have a significantly low p-value (here I use p<0.1), keeps only the correlation coefficients we want to report (in this case, each independent variable paired with interest and with earnings), and formats the resulting correlation table slightly for readability.

The order of operations here is important. Because I am filtering one matrix by another (the correlation matrix by the logical matrix of whether each pair is associated with a low enough p-value), I find it practical to first remove the shape of each so both are just a single dimension of values. But in order to keep track of which value is associated with which pair of variables, I first create a column called variable that maintains the row names generated by rcorr(). Then, when I pivot_longer(), I have one column of the original row names, one column of the original column names, and one column of values. I then filter the long data frame by the logical vector created by as.vector(rcorrlist$P<.1). Now when I pivot_wider() back to the original shape, the correlations that are not statistically significant are replaced with missing values and all of the correlation coefficients have maintained the appropriate column and row names). All that’s left is to filter out the rows I don’t need (including all the rows of missing values) and order the columns for presentation.

Filtering significant correlations is helpful because it greatly cuts down on the amount of information you have to look at and try to process. Also, we can easily re-run the code with a different cutoff for p-values if we decide that some other value is more appropriate. For example:

In any case, what we learn from this section is that prior knowledge scores tend to be negatively correlated with both interest and earnings, believing your potential earnings are better than average is positively correlated with both interest and earnings, and knowing someone in or being recruited by MLM is negatively correlated with both interest and earnings. Additionally, people who identify as Black, are somewhat religious, or have higher comfort with risk tend to be more interested in the MLM opportunity whereas those with extremely low incomes (less than $25,000 per year) or who are not religious tend to be less interested. Those with incomes closer the median or who are more religious tend to think they can make more by participating in the MLM opportunity.

Distributions of Dependent Variables Across Treatment Groups

This last part is another exercise is data wrangling and reshaping. Our main regression analysis compares the means of interest and earnings across treatment groups, but we can observe potentially two different competing effects of income disclosures that will not be fully measured by a linear regression analysis. This section not only measures the Mean, Median, and Sd of each dependent variable within each treatment group (3 x 6 x 3 = 54 total statistics), but I also test for whether the means, medians, and variances differ significantly across treatment groups.

distributions <- 
  mlm %>%
  select(all_of(dependents), treatment) %>% 
  group_by(treatment) %>%
      .fns = list(Observations = ~sum(!, 
                 Mean = ~mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE),
                 Median = ~median(.x, na.rm = TRUE),
                 Sd = ~sd(.x, na.rm = TRUE)
      .names = "{.col}-{.fn}"
    ) %>% 
  pivot_longer(c(-"treatment"), names_to=c("variable","stat"), values_to="val", names_sep="-") %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from=c(treatment), values_from=val)

This first pipe %>% chain creates a data frame of all 54 summary statistics plus the number of observations in each treatment group. The process is nearly identical to creating the table of summary statistics in Summary Statistics for All Variables. In this case, I group by treatment before calculating summary statistics. Then, the reshaping keeps a single column of statistic names but moves the treatment groups into separate columns. The result is a table in which each row is a combination of variable and summary operation, with one column for each treatment group.

distributions  %>%
  filter(stat == "Observations")
## # A tibble: 6 x 5
##   variable  stat         `No Disclosure` `Company Disclosure` Graphical Disclo~1
##   <chr>     <chr>                  <dbl>                <dbl>              <dbl>
## 1 interest  Observations             179                  185                181
## 2 earnings  Observations             179                  185                181
## 3 earnleast Observations             179                  185                181
## 4 earnmost  Observations             179                  185                181
## 5 over6     Observations             179                  185                181
## 6 expenses  Observations             133                  126                122
## # ... with abbreviated variable name 1: `Graphical Disclosure`

Let’s filter first by Observations to see how many observations are in each treatment group. We see 179 observations in the Control group, 185 in Treatment 1, and 181 in Treatment 2. The exception to this is again expenses, which has some (545 - 381 = 164) missing values spread across treatment groups. Some of the calculations below will have to account for this.

distributions %>%
  filter(stat != "Observations")
## # A tibble: 18 x 5
##    variable  stat   `No Disclosure` `Company Disclosure` `Graphical Disclosure`
##    <chr>     <chr>            <dbl>                <dbl>                  <dbl>
##  1 interest  Mean             1.91                 1.82                   1.95 
##  2 interest  Median           1                    1                      1    
##  3 interest  Sd               1.49                 1.46                   1.60 
##  4 earnings  Mean          7539.                5332.                  6220.   
##  5 earnings  Median        2500                 1000                   1000    
##  6 earnings  Sd           12759.               17725.                 19642.   
##  7 earnleast Mean          2225.                2096.                  2118.   
##  8 earnleast Median          50                  100                      0    
##  9 earnleast Sd            7574.               13380.                  8132.   
## 10 earnmost  Mean         35122.              162270.                 69419.   
## 11 earnmost  Median       10000                 6000                   5000    
## 12 earnmost  Sd          108359.              790837.                201122.   
## 13 over6     Mean             0.270                0.197                  0.158
## 14 over6     Median           0.15                 0.05                   0.05 
## 15 over6     Sd               0.292                0.241                  0.236
## 16 expenses  Mean          3165.                2714.                  3516.   
## 17 expenses  Median        2000                 1500                   1200    
## 18 expenses  Sd            4476.                3870.                  8480.

Here we see all 54 summary statistics in the table. There’s a lot going on here; what should we focus on? As the main point of this section is to observe whether these distributions vary across treatment groups, we could look through this table and see what values appear to vary across columns within the same row. The rest of this section conducts statistical tests of exactly that. We can then use p-values to see which values vary significantly across columns.

Test for Equivalence of Sample Means t.test()

The first summary statistics to test will be the means. I use t.test(x~y) where x is one of the dependent variables and y is a logical vector identifying which treatment group each observation is in. I do this three times for each variable to generate three sets of tests:

  1. Compare Treatment 1 to the Control group T1fTC
  2. Compare Treatment 2 to the Control group T2fTC
  3. Compare Treatment 2 to Treatment 1 T2fT1
ttests <- list()

ttests$T1fTC <- mlm %>% 
                  filter(treatment!="Graphical Disclosure") %>% 
                  select(all_of(dependents))  %>%
  map(~(t.test(.~mlm %>% 
                  filter(treatment!="Graphical Disclosure") %>% 
                  select(treatment) == "Company Disclosure"

ttests$T2fTC <- mlm %>% 
                  filter(treatment!="Company Disclosure") %>% 
                  select(all_of(dependents))  %>%
  map(~(t.test(.~mlm %>% 
                  filter(treatment!="Company Disclosure") %>% 
                  select(treatment)=="Graphical Disclosure"

ttests$T2fT1 <- mlm %>% 
                  filter(treatment!="No Disclosure") %>% 
                  select(all_of(dependents))  %>%
  map(~(t.test(.~mlm %>% 
                  filter(treatment!="No Disclosure") %>% 
                  select(treatment)=="Graphical Disclosure"

I start with an empty list and then add three lists of six p-values (one for each dependent variable). The resulting list of lists is then combined into a data frame.

To generate the p-values:

bind_rows(ttests, .id = "compare")
## # A tibble: 3 x 7
##   compare interest earnings earnleast earnmost     over6 expenses
##   <chr>      <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 T1fTC      0.566    0.173     0.910   0.0316 0.00996      0.386
## 2 T2fTC      0.782    0.450     0.897   0.0446 0.0000823    0.683
## 3 T2fT1      0.404    0.650     0.985   0.123  0.121        0.342

We’ll take a closer look at the implications of these p-values later, but for now we can notice that only earnmost and over6 have any t-test p-values less than 0.10.

Test for Equivalence of Sample Medians mood.medtest()

Next I will generate a similar set of p-values from tests for whether medians differ across treatment groups. For this purpose, I use mood.medtest() to perform a series of Mood’s median tests.

medtests <- list()

medtests$T1fTC <- mlm %>% 
                    filter(treatment!="Graphical Disclosure") %>%
                    select(all_of(dependents)) %>%
  map(~(mood.medtest(.~mlm %>%
                        filter(treatment!="Graphical Disclosure") %>% 
                        select(treatment) == "Company Disclosure"

medtests$T2fTC <- mlm %>% 
                    filter(treatment!="Company Disclosure") %>% 
                    select(all_of(dependents)) %>%
  map(~(mood.medtest(.~mlm %>% 
                        filter(treatment!="Company Disclosure") %>% 
                        select(treatment) == "Graphical Disclosure"

medtests$T2fT1 <- mlm %>% 
                    filter(treatment!="No Disclosure") %>% 
                    select(all_of(dependents)) %>%
  map(~(mood.medtest(.~mlm %>% 
                        filter(treatment!="No Disclosure") %>% 
                        select(treatment) == "Graphical Disclosure"

The structure of this process is identical to that followed for t-tests above. I only had to replace all the t.test() calls to mood.medtest().

bind_rows(medtests, .id = "compare")
## # A tibble: 3 x 7
##   compare interest earnings     earnleast earnmost      over6 expenses
##   <chr>      <dbl>    <dbl>         <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 T1fTC      0.570 0.000164 0.639          0.00242 0.0378       0.0883
## 2 T2fTC      0.605 0.000338 0.0000380      0.0563  0.00000919   0.406 
## 3 T2fT1      1     0.330    0.00000000133  0.600   0.0376       0.899

A few more tiny p-values for the medians than for the means. Again, we will return to these p-values shortly.

Test for Equivalence of Sample Variances levene.test()

The last set of tests is for whether standard deviations differ across treatment groups. levene.test() performs a modified robust Brown-Forsythe Levene-type test based on the absolute deviations from the median (see Brown and Forsythe, 1974). Technically, this is a test of variances rather than standard deviations but the implications are the same.

sdtests <- list()

for (x in dependents) {
  z <- mlm %>% 
    filter(treatment!="Graphical Disclosure") %>%

  sdtests$T1fTC <- append(sdtests$T1fTC
                            , levene.test(select(z, all_of(x))[[1]]
                                          , select(z, treatment)[[1]]

for (x in dependents) {
  z <- mlm %>% 
    filter(treatment!="Company Disclosure") %>%

  sdtests$T2fTC <- append(sdtests$T2fTC
                            , levene.test(select(z, all_of(x))[[1]]
                                          , select(z, treatment)[[1]]

for (x in dependents) {
  z <- mlm %>% 
    filter(treatment!="No Disclosure") %>%

  sdtests$T2fT1 <- append(sdtests$T2fT1
                            , levene.test(select(z, all_of(x))[[1]]
                                          , select(z, treatment)[[1]]

Just for fun, I decided to create this list in a slighly different way. Instead of using map() to apply the test to multiple variables, I create each list of p-values using a for loop. Within each loop:

names(sdtests$T1fTC) <- dependents
names(sdtests$T2fTC) <- dependents
names(sdtests$T2fT1) <- dependents
bind_rows(sdtests, .id = "compare")
## # A tibble: 3 x 7
##   compare interest earnings earnleast earnmost     over6 expenses
##   <chr>      <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 T1fTC      0.566    0.214     0.895   0.0317 0.00956      0.702
## 2 T2fTC      0.782    0.623     0.900   0.0315 0.0000965    0.420
## 3 T2fT1      0.403    0.560     0.967   0.130  0.197        0.302

Unlike the map() method above, this for-loop method doesn’t automatically name each p-value according the the dependent variable that was tested. I use names() to apply the list of dependent variables name to the p-values in each list before combining the lists into a data frame.

Full Table of Summary Statistics with P-values

options(width = 100)

distributions <- inner_join(distributions
           , bind_rows(list("Mean" = bind_rows(ttests, .id = "compare"),
                            "Median" = bind_rows(medtests, .id = "compare"),
                            "Sd" = bind_rows(sdtests, .id = "compare")
                       , .id = "stat") %>%
             pivot_longer(all_of(dependents), names_to = "variable") %>%
             pivot_wider(names_from = compare, values_from = value)
## Joining, by = c("variable", "stat")
write.csv(distributions, "descriptive/distributions.csv")

I change the width option so the entire table will display here. Then I combine the p-values from all of the tests to the original distributions data frame. This—of course—requires a bit of reshaping nonsense.

Nested within inner_join(), I create a list of the three data frames of p-values. I name each data frame in this list according to the summary operation that is tested using names to match the values of stat in distributions. The result is a data frame of all 54 p-values with one column stat identifying the summary operation, one column compare identifying the pairing of treatment groups being tested, and one column of values for each dependent variable.

Before I can join this to distributions, I need the structure to match. I use pivot_longer() to move the dependent variables from columns into rows so that I have a single row of p-values each identified by the combination of stat, compare, and variable. Then I use pivot_wider() to move the compare categories into columns. Now, like in distributions, each row is identified by the combination of stat and variable and the inner_join() will use the values of these two variables to add three columns of p-values to the existing distributions data frame.

## # A tibble: 18 x 8
##    variable  stat   `No Disclosure` `Company Disclosure` Graphical Disclos~1   T1fTC   T2fTC   T2fT1
##    <chr>     <chr>            <dbl>                <dbl>               <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1 interest  Mean             1.91                 1.82                1.95  5.66e-1 7.82e-1 4.04e-1
##  2 interest  Median           1                    1                   1     5.70e-1 6.05e-1 1   e+0
##  3 interest  Sd               1.49                 1.46                1.60  5.66e-1 7.82e-1 4.03e-1
##  4 earnings  Mean          7539.                5332.               6220.    1.73e-1 4.50e-1 6.50e-1
##  5 earnings  Median        2500                 1000                1000     1.64e-4 3.38e-4 3.30e-1
##  6 earnings  Sd           12759.               17725.              19642.    2.14e-1 6.23e-1 5.60e-1
##  7 earnleast Mean          2225.                2096.               2118.    9.10e-1 8.97e-1 9.85e-1
##  8 earnleast Median          50                  100                   0     6.39e-1 3.80e-5 1.33e-9
##  9 earnleast Sd            7574.               13380.               8132.    8.95e-1 9.00e-1 9.67e-1
## 10 earnmost  Mean         35122.              162270.              69419.    3.16e-2 4.46e-2 1.23e-1
## 11 earnmost  Median       10000                 6000                5000     2.42e-3 5.63e-2 6.00e-1
## 12 earnmost  Sd          108359.              790837.             201122.    3.17e-2 3.15e-2 1.30e-1
## 13 over6     Mean             0.270                0.197               0.158 9.96e-3 8.23e-5 1.21e-1
## 14 over6     Median           0.15                 0.05                0.05  3.78e-2 9.19e-6 3.76e-2
## 15 over6     Sd               0.292                0.241               0.236 9.56e-3 9.65e-5 1.97e-1
## 16 expenses  Mean          3165.                2714.               3516.    3.86e-1 6.83e-1 3.42e-1
## 17 expenses  Median        2000                 1500                1200     8.83e-2 4.06e-1 8.99e-1
## 18 expenses  Sd            4476.                3870.               8480.    7.02e-1 4.20e-1 3.02e-1
## # ... with abbreviated variable name 1: `Graphical Disclosure`

We can now observe the final resulting summary table with p-values for all of the relevant tests. First, we see that interest and expenses are seemingly unaffected by income disclosures as we find no significant differences in means, medians, or variances. The changes in distributions of various earnings estimates, however, are much more interesting.

Notably, the mean of earnings does not differ significantly across control/treatment groups, but the median of earnings is significantly lower in each treatment group than in the “No Disclosure” group. This means that most respondents have lower estimated earnings if they received either version of income disclosure versus no disclosure. The similarity in means reflects the fact that some respondents have extremely high estimated earnings after receiving income disclosure sufficient to offset the decrease in the estimates of the majority. Those with higher estimates of earnings may be subject to an anchoring effect of having seen some higher earnings numbers in the disclosures.

Evidence of these two competing effects is also manifested to varying degrees in the distributions of the other earnings estimation variables. Most notably, when asked the most they think they could earn, we expect any anchoring effect to be much stronger than when asked to estimate Typical Earnings as the most a person could earn is presumably more dependent on the maximum earnings observed in an income disclosure. Accordingly, the distributions of earnmost follow a more pronounced pattern than earnings across control/treatment groups. The median of earnmost is significantly lower in either treatment group than in the control group, but the mean is significantly higher in both treatment groups. The number of values that are much higher than the median in these groups is also reflected by a statistically larger variance in each treatment than in the control group.

The distribution of earnleast is seemingly different only in the graphical-disclosure group. The median of earnleast is only zero in this second treatment group and is statistically lower than the median in either the control group or the company-disclosure group. The zero-dollar column in the graphical disclosure may serve as a cognitive anchor when subjects are asked to estimate the least they might earn, bringing both the mean and median down.

The mean, median, and variance of over6 are lower in both treatment groups than in the control group. As the value of this variable has a maximum at 100 percent, we are unlikely to observe the same effect of a few relatively high values pulling up the mean as we see in the distributions earnings or earnmost.

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